uexo’s Swap Free Account Data Sheet

Why Trade on Swap Free with uexo?

No swaps to  worry about
No swaps to worry about
$/€ 7 RT per Lot on any trade you open
$/€ 7 RT per Lot on any trade you open
Ideal trading conditions for anyone following the Muslim faith
Ideal trading conditions for anyone following the Muslim faith

Our Other Fab Account Types

Don’t prefer to trade on our Swap-Free account? Check out our other fab accounts VIP, Gold, Standard & Pro.


The Elite trading account.

Check out our VIP Account page.


Trade with no markups.

Check out our Gold Account page.


Trade with zero commissions.

Check out our Standard Account page.


Best trading conditions found here.

Check out our Pro Account page.

Risk-Free Trading at It’s Best

Trade the markets but in a risk-free environment. Same spreads & trading conditions as a live account, with the added benefit of zero losses.

Risk-Free Trading at It’s Best Risk-Free Trading at It’s Best

MT4 or MT5. Up to you.

When you sign up with us and then get your trading account, we give you the choice of trading the markets with either MT4 or MT5. They’re the best trading platforms, by the way.

MT4 or MT5. Up to you.

We like you the way you are

And not as a CRM ID number. We really do care about you, which is why we’re customer-centric, treat you like you’re a human being, and go the extra mile. If you need anything, let our awesome Customer Care Team know via Live Chat. They’re happy to help and are available 24/5.

We like you the way you are

Our account types aren’t the only reason traders are flocking to uexo.

Outstanding Trading Conditions

One of our key pillars is offering you the very best we can give when it comes to our trading conditions. Check us out, you’ll see we’ve pulled this off!

Super-Fast Deposits & Withdrawals

We know how important deposits & especially withdrawals are to you. Retrieving your winnings or your funds is massively important. We won’t let you down.

We really do care about you

The uexo Management Team has well over 100 years combined trading experience when it comes to ensuring traders are cared for properly. You’re our #1 priority!

Truly Awesome Customer Care

No matter what your question is, we’re on hand to help. We’re good at helping and uexo’s Customer Care Team is geared at helping and problem solving.

Fully Regulated & Licenced

We’re regulated by the FSC. We really care about being regulated & more importantly, trusted

Our job is to give you peace of mind

If you’re happy, we’re happy. uexo is built on smiles, and fairly quickly, you’ll see that we’re not your standard broker. Peace of mind guaranteed!

uexo Swap Free

To start trading the markets swap free with uexo, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Click on the Open Live Account button, which’ll direct you to the form that’s on this page. Fill it in and…

Step 2

We’ll review your account and will send you an email when it’s approved. You’ll then get to download uexoTrader, and we’ll send you out credentials for our trading platform.

Step 3

Make your first investment.

Step 4

Pick the mark (asset) and the instrument you want to trade, and TRADE!

Step 5

When and only when you’re happy that we’ve done everything to make you happy, go ahead and leave a nice review over on the uexo TrustPilot page. Spread the love.

To open a uexo Swap-Free trading account, the minimum deposit you need is $/€ 500,000. The great news is that opening the Swap-Free account itself is free of charge.

Let’s delve into what a Swap-Free trading account actually is.

Some traders refer to a Swap-Free account as an “Islamic Trading Account,” and the reason for that is It was originally designed for those who observe the Muslim faith, to comply with Sharia law, which prohibits earning interest.

So, a Swap-Free account means you won’t be charged any overnight fees (or swaps) for keeping a position open. Terms and conditions apply to our Swap-Free trading account, and we definitely advise you to read through them before making a decision to trade swap free with us.

Getting a uexo Swap-Free account is pretty straightforward.

You first need to get a uexo profile, which you can do here https://go.uexo.com.

Once you’ve got your profile, you can easily set up a Swap-Free account within uexo Go, which is our client portal.

Before diving into trading, it’s good to really think about how trading works and the associated risks that come with it. Making an informed first investment is always wise. Knowing that, if you’re not entirely sure, we strongly advise that you talk to a financial consultant who has experience when it comes to trading the world’s markets.

If you need any further advice on how our Swap-Free account works, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Got any more questions about the uexo Swap Free Account?